Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Caleb!

Saturday was Caleb Mitterling's first birthday party! Kendall was super excited to go to the park, see her best friend Sarah, and give Caleb his present. His party was Curious George - isn't this the cutest cake?!
The birthday boy!

Besties: When Kendall got there, her and Sarah ran to hug and stayed together the rest of the time. They are such sweet friends! I love it! Here they are watching Caleb eat his cake.

After they ate their cupcakes with red icing, they were a mess and Sarah's grandma was taking their picture. They enjoyed getting to see themselves on the camera! Look at how Sarah has her arm around Kendall's neck - precious!

Sweetest face!

Can you even believe that she is big enough to sit on the big swings?! She prefers these over the bucket swings now - she's just getting too big!

Randy was doing prison ministry all weekend, so he wasn't able to be there. Nathan gave me a break from pushing the swing and took a turn. I think those girls could swing all day if we let them!
Look how high she can go!
Happy Birthday Caleb! We love you and had a great time at your party!!

1 comment:

auntkasey said...

That's so fun! That cake is amazing!!