Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Bicycle!

Kendall got her first bicycle tonight! We bought it with the money from her piggy bank. $48! First, we went to Kroger where they have a machine that takes your change and exchanges it for bills. She liked that, but was very concerned when we left Kroger without a bike. Our next stop was Wal-Mart. We ended up picking a Radio-Flyer -- can't go wrong with Radio Flyer!

Lot's of "skings" can go in this basket!

Baby is a good start!

Helping Daddy assemble the new bike!

Posing for some pictures next to her new bike - her idea!

What a face!

I think Daddy is as excited about this new bike as Kendall is. She has been talking about bicycles for months. It was so much fun to go get it for her tonight. We rode it all around the inside of the house, and even outside in the dark to go get the mail. Totally unsolicited Kendall said, "Thank you my bike, Daddy - Thank you my bike, Mommy!" What a sweet girl. It is more fun being her mom and dad than we could ever have imagined!


Valerie said...

How Exciing!!!! Gracie just got this same bike (minus the back handle) Watch for it on the blog shortly! We can't wait to get together and ride, like a baby biker gang!

Granny Harms said...

I don't doubt her gratefulness! She does not need to be prompted for her "Thank you" s! She looks so big and HAPPY!!