Saturday, November 20, 2010

Turkey Cookies!

On Wednesday our friends Rachael and Charlotte had us over to make turkey cookies! Mary had seen this picture and wanted to try making them with the kids...needless to say, our cookies didn't look quite this good!
Spreading the icing on her cookie. Before it was over, I actually saw her sticking the spreader into the icing and eating it right off!!
Mary and Sarah were there, and Ethan, Ella and Holly.

Showing me her cookie!

Sweet friends!
Here's the hostess: Rachael with her daughter Charlie. Rachael is having her second in just a few weeks!
Megan and Clark were there too - and Megan let me help Kendall by holding Cooper for awhile. Cooper enjoyed watching. :)
Check out that messy face!!
We had a great time making (turkey) cookies!! Thanks girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun! I've got my candy corn saved, so the kids can make some this week. ;)