Sunday, June 5, 2011

Some Kendall stories

A few days ago, Randy was holding Cooper, singing, "Who put the bop in the bop shoo bop shoo bop? Who put the ram in the ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong? Who was that man? I'd like to shake his hand, he made my baby fall in love with me!"
Kendall, always listening, said, "Daddy, it was Jesus! He made our baby!"

This weekend, Randy cut his finger pretty badly with the hedge trimmer. He came in the house with it bleeding and since he had been working in the heat with not enough water ended up getting light headed and needing to lay down on the floor. Our friend Carlette, a nurse, came over to look at his finger and bandage it and while she was doing that, Kendall, was standing next to me. She said, "Mommy, God will heal Daddy's boo-boo." Love that faith! Later in the day when he was fixing his bandage, Kendall said, "Mommy, we should pray for Daddy now." We stopped right there and prayed for Daddy's finger to feel better. So sweet!

Yesterday we were driving and out of the blue, she said, "Dad. Why can God always hear us?" We said, "Well, he can hear us all the time because he is always with us! Even when we can't see him, he is always with us." She said, "Ok!" And that was it - she moved on to something else. It is amazing to us that she just believes something so easily that she can't see!

This afternoon, Cooper was fussing when I was feeding her. Kendall looked at her and said, "Cooper! It's ok, God is always with you!" Love it! I said, "Kendall! Thank you for teaching Cooper that! She is so lucky to have you for her big sister to teach her all these things!" She said, "Mom. When Cooper is big, I am going to teach her to say Yes! to Mommy and Daddy. And to not say No." That would be awesome, Ken. Thank you. :)

It's never boring around here!


J.Hintze Photography said...
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Anonymous said...

Don't know why I can't access my old jhintze blogger account...oh well..

Anyway, just wanted to say that your family is way holier than ours. Our kids hit each other, pee in the grass, take off their clothes, and try to get away with saying "butt" "stupid" and "diddle."

Granny Harms said...

I guess that's why Jesus wanted the children to come to him and not be kept away! They know Him best! and are able to teach big people about Him better than any other way. I love that Kendall's heart and I love her simple faith! She learns what she lives - it starts at home.

Gigi and Peeps said...

I love that too. You guys are doing a great job!