Thursday, October 13, 2011


Holly had a dentist appointment yesterday morning, so Ella came to our house to play! Kendall was actually still asleep when she got here, but quickly woke up when she heard that Ella was here!
 The girls all had fun playing together! They watched a little t.v. while Kendall woke up and ate breakfast, then they were off and running. They played with the dollhouse,

 pushed babies all around the house,
 and then Kendall finally got dressed. :)
 And did a little show. Jan gave her this flute the other night when they watched the girls while Randy and I went to see a movie (Courageous - if you haven't seen it, go! It's very very good!) Anyway - lucky us with the flute. She loves to play it!
When Holly got back from her appointment, we all went to the pumpkin patch! It was so fun - Kendall has been asking when we would get to go to the pumpkin patch for probably three or four months now. I'll post pictures of that soon!

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