Sunday, May 31, 2009


This weekend Kendall's Aunt Val, Uncle Dohe, and Cousin Gracie came to Lake Jackson for a visit! We had so much fun at the pool, at the beach, and at church on Sunday, but the best part was seeing Kendall and Gracie just play together. They are both pretty interested in each other!
Here are some pictures of Kendall trying to give Gracie her monkey. She never would really let go of it!

For awhile, Kendall was copying Gracie - Gracie laid down on her back, so Kendall did the same thing right next to her. So sweet.

Gracie has this little green monkey blanket and Kendall kept wanting it all weekend. Sometimes she would give Gracie her pink bear blanket in exchange for Gracie's monkey blanket, but most of the time she just held onto both. They were so fun to watch together!

Memorial Day

I know these pictures are a little late, but I wanted to make sure I got them up on the blog before it got any later! On Memorial Day our small group (adult - not college students) had a crawfish boil! Kendall looked so cute in her red, white and blue outfit that she got from Aunt Kathy.
She enjoyed playing in Grace's play kitchen. It's so fun to see her start to pretend and play by herself.

It was so hot outside, and muggy. As the night went on, her hair just started getting curlier and curlier. I love it!

She also loved playing with Grace's bike. She wanted to ride it so bad!

What a face!


We watched Ella the other day while Holly went to Ethan's Splash Day at school. Here is a cute picture of some good buddies!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fun Door!

Tonight we went to dinner over at our friends the Erskine's house. They have a bigger doggie-door than we do. Ethan showed Kendall how to go in and out of it. She was able to go from outside to inside pretty fast, but it was a little trickier when she started from inside, because of the step. I took her picture (a lot!) while she was trying to come out one time. You can see the whole progression - you'll feel like you were there!
Head first?

That didn't work.

Maybe feet first?
Not working.

Let's try head first again.

And back to feet first...

Almost there....


Another attempt...

She was working very hard - check out those cheeks!

She looks a little frustrated here:

Sweet face!
The End!

Best Buddies

This is Kendall's buddy Ethan. They are together a lot. Sometimes he loves her, sometimes he loves her a little less. She always loves him, a lot. Really, they act a lot like brother and sister. She is very impressed with him and how big he is. She always steals his juice, and sometimes shares his goldfish. He likes to play with her, unless there are bigger kids around. Then he has to play it cool. Together they are learning how to share. It is a hard lesson. But they are always best buddies, no matter what!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bathtime Bubbles!

Kendall had lots of fun in her bath tonight! Randy was putting bubbles in his hands and then clapping, causing the bubbles to go everywhere. She thought that was so funny and would just belly-laugh each time! I ran to get the camera and shot some videos. She also enjoyed putting the bubbles on her chin and trying to eat them. Here are some cute pictures of that, too.
And I couldn't resist a belly picture. It is just so big these days! And I really don't know how - she's not eating that much! Most of the clothes she wears are 24 months, but the other day she wore some 3Ts! Such a big girl!

Check out this belly!

I love that face!

"My Dad is so funny!"
We were so glad she had a good time in her bath tonight. She is cutting 3 teeth right now, all at once, so she's really been hurting. Usually by the time it's time for bath she is tired, ready for bed, and doesn't want to stay in there and play for long. After she cuts these 3 canines she will be done until her 2 year molars - we are ready for a break in the teething! Poor thing. I'm sure that hurts!

In other news, we went to the beach today and Kendall pretty much sat and ate snacks the whole time. She went back and forth from me to Holly to Kristin and then to Stephanie, eating everyone's goldfish. She's kind of a mooch. I'm not real sure why everyone else's snacks sound so much better than her own. It was so beautiful today and we had a blast. I never cease to be amazed and awed that I live this close to the beach and get to go all the time! It is so fun! So far I've done really well making sure Kendall hasn't been sunburned, but today she got a little pink on her shoulders. She wears SPF50, but I guess I should have reapplied!!!

Ok, here are some videos of her laughing in the bubbles. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gigi Turns 50!

This past weekend we went to Ft. Worth to celebrate 2 important days: Mother's Day and Gigi's 50th birthday! We had a surprise party for her at the park on Saturday, and since she is 50 now, we had a Fifties Party! Kasey and Val made poodle skirts and Kendall cracked us up in her's! She was so cute!
Here she is with Gigi!
Singing Happy Birthday with Dad.

Posing with Grandma Dane - she doesn't stay still long these days!

Kendall spent most of her time on the playground. One way she is getting so big is that she is so good at just going off and playing by herself. So independent.

Papas tied a balloon around her wrist and she was pretty pleased about that.

Her skirt kept getting in the way of her walking, so we kept having to pull it up to the middle of her belly. So funny!!!

We tried to get some pictures of Kendall and Gracie together. Kendall was more interested in the balloon. That is one big belly!

Randy took Kendall down the big slide with her cousin Maelie. That Maelie is one funny girl! Check out Emily's blog:

Granny and Papas came to celebrate Gigi's birthday, too!

Kendall and Maelie decided to take a walk. I would love to know how much Kendall walked that whole day - she just never stops!

Our precious girl!