Monday, February 8, 2010


Kendall has been doing so great using the potty! She wears panties all the time now...has no accidents...and only sleeps in diapers. She sometimes even goes all by herself - she tells us she needs to go and we get up to help her and she says, "No, Kengal do it." She can pull her panties down by herself and just sits right down and goes! Two weeks ago I made a pan of brownies for a dinner we had, so ever since then, if she goes Number Two, she gets a brownie, because that is a bigger deal than just an M&M or fruit snack, which she gets for tinkling. So now, every time she finishes going to the potty, she says, "I wanna parnie!" She doesn't say brownie - it's "parnie!" We just love that. I have now run out of parnies and we're on to cookies. But parnies are still her favorite!


The Mitchell Family said...

like how you capitalized Number Two. It's definitely a proper noun. :) I'm calling you tonight.

Gigi and Peeps said...

We had such a fun weekend with you Miss Kendall. Peeps and I were so proud of how well you are doing on your potty training. We couldn't believe how good you did at holding it until we could get to the potty. And we love PARNIE! Sorry, Peeps was the one who gave parnie for tinkle and he would probably do it again truth be told. Keep up the good work!