Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not Noah's Ark

I always look forward to picking Kendall up from school and hearing what she has to say. I don't miss working there, but I do miss knowing what she does all day. On Tuesdays she goes to chapel, so on the way home today I asked her what she learned about in chapel. A couple of weeks ago they learned about Noah's Ark. So, this was our conversation today:

Mom: What did you learn about today?
Kendall: Not Noah's Ark, mom. There were no animals. There was a baby on a blanket, and there was a puddle, and a puddle (indicating two different puddles with her hands).
Mom: Wow, tell me more about that.
Kendall: Mom, I don't want talk about it anymore.

She is so funny! Maybe they learned about Moses? It's hard to say - she doesn't want to talk about it!


Gigi and Peeps said...

Too funny! She cracks me up.

TONacho said...

Stop! This is my favorite Kendall story ever! I love that girl.

Granny Harms said...

I swear, the older she gets the cuter she gets!! I'm sure she has so many more sweet conversations to come!!