Friday, September 24, 2010

Our Big Pearland Adventure

I took the girls to Pearland by myself today for a morning full of appointments! It was my first time to go on such a big outing by myself with both girls and it went great. We started out going to Snip-Its to get Kendall's hair trimmed. I thought we would go right when it opened so we could get in and get out, but when we got there seven people were already in front of us! We had to wait awhile, but both of the girls were so good. Here's what Cooper did...

...while her big sister played and explored! We just love that place for haircuts - it's so much fun!
Kendall remembered the sucker she got last time and asked for it first thing when she sat in the chair. No tears this time - she was completely happy to sit and get her hair trimmed!

She's such a big girl!

All finished! So proud of her new haircut.
I intended for us to go grab lunch at Chick-fil-A next before Kendall's dentist appointment, but we had to wait so long at the hair place that we had to go straight to the dentist. She had such a great experience last time, and she was so excited about going this time, that I really thought she would do great. She did not. She got up in the chair just fine, talked to the dentist, but when she started to open Kendall's mouth and "count her teeth," Kendall got scared. I had to hold her feet and a hygenist had to hold her hands. It was not fun for her...or me! She got through the exam though, had her teeth cleaned, and was fine right when she got out of the chair! Here is a picture of her post-exam. She had her sticker and her prize and she was happy!
Finally, we were able to go to Chick-fil-A! Not as easy with two girls as with one! :) Cooper was happy to stay in her carseat, but ordering our food, getting in a booth, taking Kendall to the bathroom, getting a refill, getting Kendall ice cream, and going to play in the play area all while carrying the carseat adventure! The whole morning was a fun adventure though, and I am so thankful for my two girls and the fun things I get to do with them!


Valerie said...

It is fun to try to invent ways to accomplish things with no hands - I like to think of myself as "mom-gyver"! Welcome to the club!!

Granny Harms said...

So brave!!! I bet your arms were tired!!! Not to mention your whole body, huh?!? Kendall looks so big - I don't "yike" it!! What sweet girls!!! All 3 of you!

Courtney said...

Remember when you thought it was hard when you had the first one?? I remember the days when I thought it was hard (slower) to do things when I just had Madison. After I had Cooper, those days seemed so easy! Glad you had a good first experience out. I'm impressed Kendall's already been to the dentist twice. I'm behind.