Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Punkum" Patch!

I love fall! The weather has started to cool down a little and it's time to go to one of my favorite places...the pumpkin patch! Or as Kendall says, "the Punkum Patch." I love how she is saying pumpkin - so cute!
Kristin, Mary, Stephanie, Holly and I all have the same doctor - Dr. Miller - and she has been asking for a picture of all our kids for awhile now. We have had the hardest time trying to get them all together, but we were finally able to meet up at the pumpkin patch Wednesday for a "photo shoot." You can imagine how fun it was to try and get 7 toddlers and 1 six week old in one picture!! Ha! Here's the craziness....

We got all the kids situated and then I handed Cooper to Kendall and stepped back quickly! She did a good job hanging on to her! I think this first picture was the best we got. Sarah is upset with Caleb in this next one...
...and now Ella is mad about something.

Oh well. That's just where we're at right now!! Dr. Miller wants a big copy of it - like an 11x14 - to hang in her office. We love our doctor!
After we got the whole group, we let the kids play. Sarah pulled Kendall in the wagon,

Kendall rode on the little tractor,

and played in the pumpkins.
Kendall and Sarah played "ping around the posies."

"Mom. Sarah is my best friend and EE is my best friend."

The Girls! (Minus Cooper. It wasn't the easiest thing to take pictures of her in the pumpkin patch!)

Here's Cooper next to the growth chart.

And Kendall. I will post the past two year's pictures soon. She is getting so big!

I love this picture!
Finally, here are more of Cooper with her big sister. Kendall did such a good job holding on to her - we had to take pictures fast!
She was so proud to be able to hold her.
We had so much fun! I'm sure it won't be the last time we go to the pumpkin patch this year. We did get one big pumpkin for the front porch and Kendall picked out her own little pumpkin. More pictures soon of decorating that with Dad!!


Granny Harms said...

Why does she have to get sooo big!!?!??
What great memories!!

Gigi and Peeps said...

One of these days Gigi wants to come down and go to the punkum patch with you. It looks like so much fun. Peeps and I can't believe how big you are getting.