Saturday, October 2, 2010

Update on "Not Noah's Ark"

I was so curious about what Kendall learned about in chapel this week. I had to know what the "baby on a blanket and a puddle and a puddle" story was. Thursday when I picked her up from school, I went in and asked her chapel teacher, Mrs. Wendy, what they learned about on Tuesday. I told her what Kendall told us. She laughed, and I told her I thought maybe it was Baby Moses. She said they learned about Moses the week before, but that this Tuesday they learned about the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. She said she had two blankets that she held up and when she told about God parting the sea, she split the blankets apart. And so there was "a puddle, and a puddle!" I love hearing her sweet stories and what she takes away from them! :)

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