Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stories from Kendall

Randy: "Kendall! We are so proud of you for taking a nap for THREE days in PANTIES and keeping them dry!!" (This is huge for us. She has been potty-trained since before she was two and we are still taking all naps and going to bed every single night in pull-ups with no end in sight. And we have had three days of naps in dry panties. Woohoo!!!)
"How have you done that? Three whole naps??"
Kendall: "Well, Dad, because it's my job!!"
Randy: "Oh really? That's a good job! What is my job?"
Kendall: "Your job is to go to work. And Cooper's job is to play. And Mommy's job is to clean the house. And Molly's job is to...snuggle."

Out of the blue the other day, Kendall said, "Mom, you are my most preciousest girl in my life." She is always saying things like this. "You are the cutest girl in my world." "You are my best Dad in my life." So sweet!

(While reading a Biscuit book today I read about a dog named Sam): "Mom! I have a friend named Sam at school! He is my friend and his name is Sam and he knows my name is Kendall!"
Me: "Kendall! That's great that you have a new friend! What do you like to do with Sam?"
Kendall: "Play home living. When we do centers."

She is also starting to talk about the days of the week and the season a lot more since they started doing calendar time each Tues/Thurs at school. Earlier this week she broke out into the "days of the week" song and we didn't even know she knew that! And she has been focused on asking us what season it is a lot. Except sometimes she says things like "Mom, what fall is it right now?" meaning what season is it?

One of Cooper's nicknames is Pooper. Ella couldn't say "Cooper" early on, and what came out was "Pooper." It has stuck. Poor Coop. We call her that a lot though when we are just being silly with her, and now Kendall has shortened it to "Poop." I know it sounds awful, but when she is saying it, she is being really sweet and endearing and I think it's so cute!

On Sunday Randy came home from church and put his swimsuit on to get ready for a baptism.
Kendall: "Dad! Are you going swimming?"
Randy: "No, I am going to baptize someone while you are napping."
Randy laid down with her to read books before nap.
Kendall: "Daddy, don't you have to go...put people under water?"
Randy: "Yes Kendall, but I'm kind of sleepy. I think I want to stay here and nap with you."
Kendall: "No Daddy, you have to go baptize. You have to be obedient to God."

I've thought of a ton more funny stuff she has said lately but can't remember it now! I will come back and add to this post as I think of things. She makes us laugh!

1 comment:

Christie said...

So sweet! Thanks for sharing, Ash!