Monday, March 9, 2009

"Kack Kack!"

On Saturday we went to the mall to go shopping with Granny and Papas. We got Kendall her first pair of shoes, some new pajamas, a cute outfit with matching do-rag, and some socks. We had a lot of fun, but I think Kendall's favorite part was the duck ride! We saw one of those carousel things in the middle of the mall, and it had a duck on it, which is her favorite animal right now. She loves to tell us what a duck says and gets so excited when she sees one. So of course we had to let her ride!

The worst part of the ride was when we had to take her off! She did NOT like that!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can just hear your sweet little voice saying what a duck says!! Your Granny loves you, Kender!!!