Monday, July 20, 2009

Cow Creek, Part 1

This past weekend we had the first of what we decided will be an annual trip to Cow Creek. Aaron's family has had this cabin/camp in his family for generations and every year they go to "the creek" for July 4th, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and other holidays. This year Aaron and Holly invited us and some of our friends out for a "Baby Mama" vacation at the creek. 10 adults and 10 kids. One big cabin with a big room that had like 7 beds, a kitchen, and a small room off to the back (that Randy, Kendall, and I actually got to sleep in!!). As the trip started approaching, we began to think that maybe we were crazy and that this would not be a good idea. How would we ever get all those kids to go down, and stay down, for naps and bedtime when all their buddies were in the same room as them?! But it worked out great and we had a blast. We also took lots of pictures.

When we got there and started unloading, Kendall immediately saw the swing and wouldn't quit saying "swing, swing, swing?" so we hooked it up and let her swing. It hangs really high, and she loved that she was swinging above our heads.

In this picture she is saying "more, more" with her hands. She didn't want us to quit swinging her!
She had her first popsicles this weekend and thought they were great. It was so cute to watch her with all her friends that are older than her. She doesn't know she's littler than them. We love watching her do new, big things!

We played croquet. I did not do very well. But it was still fun!!!

Randy and the guys fished a little....actually they didn't just fish, they caught!

We had to cross the creek to get to the sandbar where we sat and the kids played. Randy and Kendall crossed first. I think it looks like he is baptizing her here. :)

She loves the water!

This is my "I don't like what my feet are touching and I don't want to fall down in it" face. It made me realize I may be a little more prissy than I thought. I kinda thought I had gotten over that. But apparently not. I was a little bothered by the fact that there could be snakes in there!

My buddy Sarah. Look at her hand on my leg. I love that girl!

We all planned and cooked one meal for everyone the whole weekend. It was great to break it up like that and only have to cook once. Randy and I grilled hot dogs Friday night. Looks like Aaron helped Randy a little....
There are lots more pictures, but I am waiting to get them from the girls. I will post more when I get them!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Wow looks like a lot of fun! See you next week my sweet Kendall.