Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Swimming Lessons!

Kendall (and I!) started swimming lessons yesterday! We are taking lessons at the rec center all this week and next week. The classes are everyday for two weeks and it's a group class with 8-10 beginner students. Kendall loves the water and loves to swim with us, but we just thought it would be good this summer to get her used to going to lessons and see what all she could learn.
This first picture sums up how she felt about going to class! She was very unsure and held on tight to me. Randy was able to come watch for a little bit, so he took some pictures. In this beginner class, the moms and dads are in the pool with the kids.
This is Kendall's teacher, Mr. Devin. She said after class yesterday, "I don't yike Mr. Devin." I said, "Yes you do, Kendall. He is a nice teacher." She said, "No. I don't yike him." Ok.
I don't know what we were looking at here, but we both look pretty unsure!
The only thing he wanted us to work on yesterday (in the 50 minute class) was blowing bubbles in the water. Now, Kendall does this every time we swim with her and every night in her bath, but of course, she never would do it yesterday in her class for her teacher! Stinker.

Mr. Devin came around to each of us to watch the kids and try to work with them. She watched him blow bubbles, but didn't ever blow any of her own...
...until he moved on to another kid. Then she blew bubbles. Today was the same story. For Day 2, he wanted them to blow bubbles again, then blow bubbles with their face in the water, then float on their stomachs with us holding them, and then float and blow bubbles at the same time. She wouldn't do any of that, even though she does all the time with us!

At the end of the class, they get to play for 10 minutes in the fountains and the wading pool and on the slides. She just goes crazy during that time and is totally herself, jumping in, going under water, and putting her face under. Not during class, though!

We have two more days of class this week and then four days next week. Maybe she will eventually warm up to her class and teacher and do what he asks. Or not. We're still having fun!!

1 comment:

Gigi and Peeps said...

Lil Stinker. Hopefully she will pick some things up even if she doesn't perform during class.