Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tee-tee for tu-tu

This is what Kendall looked like when I picked her up from her class at church today! I was so surprised! Turns out she had an accident...which she never does anymore...and this is what they changed her into because I didn't have a change of clothes or panties in my bag! She pretty much loved her outfit and couldn't wait to go find her daddy to show him her new clothes.

She got so many fun reactions and had such a blast wearing the tu-tu that we're a little afraid she's going to have accidents every week! :) Check out how hot and sweaty she is! We took these pictures when we got home from lunch after church - this is just from getting in and out of the van! It is so hot!

She took a nap in her Dora shirt and right when she got up she asked where her tu-tu was. I am afraid we're going to have a hard time getting that back to church!!

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