Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving Trip, Part 1

We left the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to head to Ft. Worth. This was Cooper's first trip to Ft. Worth! Kendall was very excited; she kept saying, "I'm going to Ft. Worth, to see my grandparents!!!" Both of the girls did great on the trip up, even though it took us close to six and a half hours!! Cooper slept most of the time and Kendall just read her books, listened to books on CD, talked to us, and took a nap. We have never put a DVD player in the car, so she just entertains herself and does a great job. I love that!
We spent Wednesday night and Thursday night at Pops and Kiki's house. When we got there Wednesday afternoon, Kendall went and helped Pops set a trap for an armadillo that has been rooting around the property. She thought it was fun each morning to go out and check to see if he had been caught!
We took a break from setting the trap to take a few pictures by the cool tree next to the house. Isn't she getting big?!

She asked me to sit next to her to take a picture.

We brought her tricycle and she rode that around the driveway for a little while. Later on, Pops and Dad took her further down the driveway and she had a fun ride down the big hill!! :)
This was Aunt Megg's first time to get to meet Cooper! Cooper did so good and was wide awake for her and smiling.

Alden and Scott also came over that night and we had dinner and helped decorate the Christmas tree. Before we started decorating though, Kendall got to help Pops open his company Christmas card for this year. Each year Dad and Mark have the coolest Christmas cards that pop up when you take them out of the envelope. Dad has all of them displayed in the house and they look great!
Kiki had us play "which is your favorite ornament?" as we put them on the tree. I was talking here about this little Indian drum we got one year when we were Indians in the Christmas pageant.
Love this tree! It's so big and looks great in their house.
Kendall spent a whole lot of time playing with Kiki this trip, while Cooper spent a lot of time being held by Pops. One of Kendall's favorite things to do with Kiki is play in her's and Dad's bathroom. They play in her make-up, and they also play house. Dad and Lisa have a shower that is right across from a sauna in their bathroom and one is usually Kendall's house and one is Kiki's. They "visit" each other and cook and play house. This trip Kendall kept cooking pancakes and syrup. I was glad Randy was able to get some pictures of them playing "house" together!!
Posing, of course!

We had a great time with Pops and Kiki and letting Cooper get to meet Megg!!

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