Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Loaves and Fishes

There is not much that I love more than hearing Kendall tell me the Bible stories she is learning. I can't get over how precious it is. I love how she is listening to her teachers and then how she can remember the details and tell us the stories. Today in chapel at school she learned the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. Listen to her tell it!

Here is what she says just in case you can't hear: "Daddy there's a lot of people and Jesus was talkin a lot of people and they tummies started growlin and then they didn't have any food and then the little boy come and he has some food and then he have one two three four crackers and two goldfish and after he prayed there was a lot of goldfish and they can eat." (This was after her nap when Randy got home. She had told me the story when I asked after school but then when Randy got home she ran to tell him and he was able to video it.)


Christie said...

Great job Kendall! I love it! She's sure to follow in her Granny, Mommy and Aunt Auggie's footsteps and be a fabulous teacher!

Gigi and Peeps said...

That is so precious. I love that you are learning all about Jesus.