Saturday, November 5, 2011

For Shell....

Kendall was newly 2 when Michelle left for Mali, West Africa. We were able to have a great weekend in College Station between her training in Virginia and when she actually left the country, and we are eagerly anticipating her coming home in a few months! Kendall remembers "Shell" as she calls her a little, and we talk about her frequently to remind her of who she is and pray for her, too!
A couple of weeks ago, Randy wrote Michelle an email and wanted to tell her some about the girls that she might not be able to know just from reading the blog. I loved what he wrote about both girls, and wanted to save it here. Here is what he said about Kendall:

We are good. We can’t wait for you to be around our girls – they are hilarious and cute.
Kendall is random, and prissy, and sassy. She poses, mismatches, makes faces, talks in other languages, is extremely creative. She wears dresses almost every day – and has no interest in other clothes really. Kendall is smart, but not dorky prodigy smart – which I like. She is very picky about eating. She eats about five things. She loves animals. And talks to them in a little voice – like you know who. She loves books like her momma. She can be outgoing or shy – it just depends. Sometimes she is extremely cautious and sometimes she is totally careless. She is pretty much a beautiful mix of the two of us. She is literally one of my favorite people on the planet.

I thought that was a perfect description of Kendall!

Michelle, we can't wait for you to come home!! And we are excited for you to get to spend time with your family soon. Have a fun time!!

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