Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Night!

Our Halloween started off not so great but ended really great! When Gracie and Evy were here this past weekend, they both woke up Saturday morning with stomach bugs. It was impossible to try and keep the girls apart, so we all just prayed that Kendall and Cooper wouldn't get sick too. No such luck. Kendall woke up around 4am Monday morning throwing up, and was sick until a little before lunch. Cooper never got sick, though! Poor Kendall wanted to trick or treat so bad Monday night, so we told her we would see how the day went and how she was feeling when she got up from nap. She was fine, so we were able to trick or treat! We were supposed to go to the Beam's house for dinner, but we went ahead and backed out - I figured walking around trick or treating was not quite as bad as being in their house, eating, and spreading germs!
Randy came home for lunch on Monday and Kendall asked him to help her carve her pumpkin! So he did! He is such a fun Dad - I love how he is spontaneous and loves doing things with and for his girls!

 Here is Kendall showing off her pumpkin, ready to trick or treat!

 Barbie and the alligator, ready to go! Do you like our new cabinets?? I will do a separate post on those soon!
Coop was NOT a fan of the hat! I tried several times to get a picture of her with it on, but this was the best we could do! Just like bows, she reached up to take it off as soon as I got it on.
 Our first stop of the night was Greg and Kathy Pickering's house! Their neighborhood is really fun to trick or treat in and they like to just sit out in the front yard and pass out candy. We enjoyed getting to hang out and visit for awhile!
 From there, we went to Kathy and Jerry Peters' house. We are thankful for sweet friends and our sweet children's minister who loves our girls! Kathy loves Kendall, but she has a special thing with Cooper. Her granddaughter Morgan is just a couple of months younger than Cooper, and lives in College Station, so she always loves hearing what Coop is up to and getting to love on her!
 While we visited there, Cooper had fun dumping out all of her's and Kendall's candy and carrying it around.
And that would be where I left my camera for the rest of the night! We met Ethan, Ella, Aaron and Holly at another neighborhood to do more trick or treating, and I realized I had left my camera at Kathy and Jerry's. Bummer. We had a great time though and Kendall did a great job going door to door. She loved having Ella with her and was not as shy as she was last year. Cooper rode in the wagon and Kendall always made sure to get candy for her, too.
We were glad Kendall was feeling up to trick or treating! We had a great Halloween!

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