Wednesday, December 3, 2008

All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth!

That can be Kendall's song this year! Her teeth have come in in a funny order. She got her bottom middle two first, and then she got her "fangs." We went to the doctor yesterday (about something else) and he looked at Kendall's teeth and told us that 5% of babies get those eye teeth first. But then today, when Dad was leaving for work and Kendall was eating her breakfast, we noticed that her top middle two have broken through! So maybe she will have her two front teeth by Christmas!

In other news, she has just all the sudden started doing a whole bunch of new things. She is standing by herself really well now, she has started clapping, and she says "bye-bye" and waves and "da-da." This morning, she was sitting in her high chair eating, and Randy was walking out the front door saying bye-bye, trying to get her to say it and wave at him. She just kept staring at him, though, and wouldn't do anything, which was funny, because she does that all the time, to anyone she is saying bye to. About ten minutes after he walked out the door, she looked at me, waved her hand, and said, "Bye-Bye Da-da!" I was shocked that she put those together! Also, she knows Molly's name, but doesn't say it yet. Molly always stands under her high chair while she eats (great for me - less cleaning!) and the other day Molly was standing there, but she hadn't made any noises, so Kendall didn't know she was there. I said, "Kendall, do you see Molly?" and she looked down towards the floor! Molly is still her favorite family member. :)

I have been trying to take some pictures of her standing by herself and of her waving, but she has taken a new interest in the camera. So anytime I get it out, she crawls over to me really fast to get it. Here's a few shots I got, though. Sorry they're not great!

It's hard to tell in this one, but she was not holding on to anything while she was standing there. I snapped a picture right as she reached for the walker.

Here she is clapping...

This morning we were listening to Aretha Franklin on Regis and Kelly sing "Respect" and I tried to get her to clap while she listened.

And here is one last one of her trying to stand by herself. She really wanted my camera, so it's not great, but she's doing it!


Andrea said...

Too cute! Tori lost her first tooth on Christmas Eve. We thought about just going ahead and pulling another but we didn't. Probably not a good idea since there weren't any more loose ones. :)

A world of new adventures and full of wonder ahead for you guys and Kendall. Fun stuff!!

Unknown said...

New stuff! Yea!! I miss my Kender! And don't ever apologize for any pictures of her - we're so hungry for all we can get up here! I'm waiting for the video of Kendall answering, "Noooo!" to all of Randy's questions. That was priceless! Happy Anniversary!!! xoxoxo

Gigi and Peeps said...

You go girl, I love to dance to Aretha too. I'm excited about your new teeth. Maybe that will make you feel better.

Look how smart you are putting two words together.

Gigi can see by the pictures I already have a Christmas present to take back.

Valerie said...

I hope you get your wish... all I want for Christmas is to see you!

Courtney said...

She's getting so big! I can't believe she's already saying things! How cute!!!