Monday, December 8, 2008

First Time to Meet Santa

We took Kendall to meet Santa today and it did not go so well. We wondered if she would like him or not, and it turns out she did not. Randy even sat next to Santa for a little bit with Kendall on his lap so she could see that he was ok, but then when we passed her off, she cried. We didn't get a great picture, but I guess it's just something you have to do, right? Poor Kendall. I hear her Dad's first picture with Santa looks a lot the same...crying, red-haired baby!
Pictures we took:
Picture they took:

We got her dress at the Galleria in Houston this weekend while we were there. It is so precious...I told Randy she's going to wear it every day between now and Christmas!
After we made her endure sitting on Santa's lap, we took her down to play in the playground at the mall with Ethan. She enjoyed that much more!

Also, we discovered two more teeth coming in today! They are coming in on the bottom on either side of her middle two. That means she has been cutting four at the same time and explains the massive amounts of drool and runny nose! Poor thing. She's still just so happy though and doesn't act like she feels bad. When these four teeth come all the way in, she'll be up to eight teeth!


auntkasey said...

Sweet Kendall! Maybe you can photo shop Randy out and Santa in on the big blue couch! She's such a cutie. That dress is pretty cute too!!

Unknown said...

Awww, it's okay, Kender! Your mommy cried and hid from Santa and anything else dressed in a costume! Santa understands. And I love your new dress. But not as much as the sweet girl in it!! Your Granny loves you! xoxo

michelle said...

Oh, Kendy-pants, you're so cute and funny.

Courtney said...

Love the pictures. I have a feeling Madison's will look very similar!

Also, I bought that same dress for Madison!! It was way too big and they didn't have her size. To bad, they could have been twins.

Gigi and Peeps said...

I love seeing your pictures with Santa. I'm sorry he wasn't your favorite person this year. But I'll bet you will love him next year. You can give Gracie the down low next year and maybe she won't be scared :)

I love your dress too! Your Gigi is a fool about plaid (polka dots too).