Wednesday, February 4, 2009

12 Month Checkup

This morning I took Kendall to see Dr. B for her 12 month checkup. After I did, I decided that it was a little mean to make her go to the doctor and get three shots on her birthday. But she doesn't really know it's her birthday, so that's ok. We'll just pretend like it's Saturday when we're having her party. :)
So here are her stats: She is 30.25 in long (75-90%), 24 lbs 9 oz (90-95%), and her head is 46 cm around (75%). So we've still got a big baby on our hands! Dr. B asked about all the things she can say and do and he said she is doing great! She even showed him how she can snap and he was very impressed! He said that he has never seen a baby that is her age be able to snap. What a genius. :)
So now that she is a year old we get to do some new things! We finally get to put her in her new carseat - facing forward! Randy and I are very excited about that and we think Kendall will be too because she is always trying to turn around and look at us. We also get to start trying her back on the whole milk instead of formula (YEA!). She's been eating cheese and yogurt every day for a long time now, so we don't expect her to have any problems with the dairy. We'll see!

Here are some things she can do and say at a year:

Things she can say:
"quack quack"
monkey sounds (ooo oooo, eee eee!)
And she says "molly" except when she means molly she really says "" She just can't get that "ly" sound at the end! It's so funny. She really pauses between each syllable like she is trying so hard, but it always comes out "" We know the difference Kendall. It's ok. :)
She also knows a lot more words than she can actually say. She knows "juice" and "eat." When I ask her where her juice is, she will look around until she finds her sippy cup.
We think we have heard her say "holly" but it's kind of the same thing as molly.

She can sign "more," "please," "all done," and "puppy." Anytime we say Molly or we see a dog on t.v. or in real life, she pats her leg. So sweet! And of course she waves hi and bye and she blows kisses. And when I say "no no no" she points her finger at me. I guess I do that to her!

She is walking SO well. She climbs stairs, as we discovered at Pops and Kiki's house. And she is kind of obsessed with sitting in chairs. She can't get up in them, but she wants us to put her in them and then she just rocks back and forth and smiles. She pushes her walker and can turn it wherever she wants it to go. And on that note, she has also started to turn different directions when she walks. She can change directions and just goes wherever she wants! She turns the lights on and off (and Randy is trying to teach her that it is called a "white switch" instead of a "light switch" because he thinks that's funny. And all of our's are white.).

She loves to read books. That's her favorite thing to do right now. She gets her books and walks over to us and plops down in our lap for us to read to her. Best thing ever.

She sleeps between 12 and 13 hours at night and takes two naps a day, both between an hour and a half or two hours. She loves to sleep.

She loves her baths still and has started trying to put bubbles in the duck's head where she has seen us put them. So smart! (Sorry I can't get the video to flip).

Check back for more pictures tonight. When Randy gets home we're going to give her our present and after dinner we are going to go get some ice cream at Chick Fil A! Yum!

1 comment:

Gigi and Peeps said...

What a busy day you have had. Tell mom we love this much blogging. She is going to spoil us today. Enjoy your very special day and especially your ice cream. Gigi and Peeps may have sent you a package for Valentine's that might arrive today. Since we couldn't be with you on your actual birthday we decided that would be the next best thing.