Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Chair!

Kendall LOVES to sit in chairs! We have been wanting to get her a chair that she can sit in while she reads or watches Sesame Street. I had this one picked out that I loved from Pottery Barn, but it was super expensive. So we kept looking for other chairs, but never found one we liked. Then Randy had the idea to look at Ebay. He was able to find the exact chair I wanted! It comes in two parts, the insert and the slip-cover, and he found both, brand-new, for less than half of what it would have cost if we went through Pottery Barn. Crazy! And, someone who has an Ebay store had even monogrammed the pink gingham (the print I wanted) with her name already!
It was meant to be! :) So we used some of Kendall's birthday money to get it for her and she just loves it. She sits in it all the time.
I took these pictures this morning, so she's still in her PJs. I will take some better ones later, but this is a start!


Jenny Hintze said...

Cute! And when she outgrows it it will the perfect place for Molly to sit. You might have to have it re-monogramed.

TONacho said...

I can attest that Kendall looks just as adorable in person sitting in her chair. Good taste, Nacho.

Courtney said...

I have been wanting this exact chair for Madison but haven't gotten one because of cost. How crazy that he found it on Ebay!

Haffner's World said...

Claire LOVES her pottery barn chair!!! She is sitting in it more and more lately!!! Good investment! (We are thinking that with our next baby that we will just buy the slip cover for that chair so it won't cost as much :) )

The Mitchell Family said...

She's getting so big! I hope we get to see you guys soon. We'll have to start planning our summer get together soon!