Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Turtle Friend!

Last weekend Granny and Papas came in town to visit with us and to stay with Kendall while we went to New Braunfels Monday and Tuesday. While we were gone, they got her a new toy -- a turtle sandbox for her to play in! Mom and Aunt Alden had one of these when we were growing up and we had so much fun in it. I know Kendall will, too! Thanks Granny and Papas!

Using her little pinchers to get the sand.

It took her a little while to warm up to having her feet in the sand, but now she loves it! She can even lift the lid off herself and start playing!
Her favorite thing to do: take all the sand OUT of the sandbox!
Even Molly loves the sandbox!!! Once she got in, Kendall tried to get back in and Molly growled at her!


Unknown said...

You look so cute in your new toy! We are so glad you are enjoying that turtle! And that's fine - you just go ahead and let it get out. There's more sand where that came from!

Gigi and Peeps said...

How fun! It looks like you are getting all ready for the beach this year. What a great way to play in your back yard.

I miss you!! Peeps and I are ready to see you.

Courtney said...

You should see our turtle friend right now...Like Kendall, Madison also loves to throw all of the sand out on the porch. In the storms last week her lid blew off and the sand became mud. On Saturday I let her play in it and now our porch and the turtle are covered in dried mud :) See the things you have to look forward to....