Thursday, August 27, 2009


For about 2 or 3 months now, Kendall has been interested in all things "potty." She is interested when we go, she talks about her diaper, and we've been wondering if it was getting close to time to potty-train. When Kiki and Pops came down to Lake Jackson in July they brought Kendall a potty and she has REALLY been interested in that. When they first brought it to her, she got the bowl out of it, put it on the couch, went and got the bag of cereal, and brought it in and tried to pour the cereal in the bowl. We laughed really hard, but decided to put the potty up so she didn't start thinking it was something you play with (or eat out of).
Yesterday I was changing her diaper and we started talking about the potty. I asked her if she wanted to get the potty out and she said "Potty!" So we got it down, I took off her pants and her diaper, we got some books, and she sat on the potty. She didn't stay there long though, and she kept standing up, and then sitting down again. I asked if she needed to tee-tee and she said "no" so I put her diaper and pants back on and told her to tell me if she needed to go potty.
We started playing in the living room with her puzzles and about 3 or 4 minutes later she looked at me and said "Potty!" I said, "Do you need to potty?" And she said "Potty!" and nodded her head. So I told her to come here and let me take off her pants and her diaper. We walked over to the potty and she pulled on her shirt and said "off! off!" so I took her shirt off. She sat down on the potty, put her hand to her ear like she was listening, and she actually tinkled in the potty!!!! I can't tell you how excited I got! She was probably thinking, "What is wrong with you, Mom?" I said, "Kendall, stand up! Look what you did!" She stood up and I showed her the tinkle in the potty and she just smiled and smiled and clapped and danced. I didn't have anything to give her, like an M&M or anything, so I just kept saying "Hi five!" and giving her hugs and high fives. We were super excited. And yes, we did save the tinkle in the bowl to show Dad when he got home. Then we celebrated all over again!
I don't think we're ready for full-on potty training yet, but we're definitely moving in the right direction! I think the fact that she told me she needed to go potty, and then was able to hold it while I took off her clothes and diaper, and then actually went in the potty is a pretty big deal!


Valerie said...

Awesome job Tinkle Queen!!!!!

Gigi and Peeps said...

HOORAY for such a smart girl!

Jenny Hintze said...

That is super great!! When both of our boys were about 18 months old or so we started putting them in underwear sometimes during the day and just taking them real frequently. By about 2 1/2 they were both basically potty trained. If she's excited about it and willing to do it, that's a huge milestone.

auntkasey said...

Great job Kendall!!! That is such a big girl!!!

Granny Harms said...

This is so exciting!! I just wonder if she'll always have to get naked before she can go to the bathroom!! : )

Courtney said...

Wow!!! WAY impressed! Way to go Kendall!