Monday, October 5, 2009

10 Year DTR

We had such a great weekend and hardly have any pictures to show for it! We went to Ft. Worth this weekend to watch the Aggies lose miserable to Arkansas at the new Cowboys Stadium. In spite of the loss, we had a great weekend.
Saturday was mine and Randy's 10 year DTR! We started dating on October 3, 1999. Before we were married we didn't celebrate anniversaries - we called it out DTR day because that was the day we "defined the relationship." Randy surprised me with an overnight trip to downtown Ft. Worth and dinner at Simply Fondue! I was so impressed with all the planning he did and that he kept the secret for so long - he didn't tell me we were doing something until Friday morning when we were packing to leave! We had a fun time and highly recommend that restaurant. It was so much fun! Kendall stayed with Granny and Papas and had a great time. Here is a picture of her pushing Dennis in the car.

Saturday we picked Kendall up and took her to see Kiki and Pops. While we were there I made him a cookie cake. One Valentine's Day when we were dating I couldn't think of anything to get him, so I decided a cookie cake would be a good idea. He has made fun of me ever since then because I got him a WHOLE cookie cake. I thought we should celebrate 10 years with another whole cookie cake. This was my first time to decorate a cake, and I was pretty proud of it!

Too bad I ran out of room at the end! It still tasted great!

Saturday afternoon we took Kendall to Gigi and Peep's house, headed to a late lunch at Scott and Alden's and then on to the big stadium! There really are no words to describe it. That t.v. is unbelievable. Maybe that's what was distracting our offensive line from the job they were supposed to be doing...protecting our quarterback! It was still a great experience and we were so glad we got to be there! Thanks Gigi and Peeps for watching Kendall so we could go!

Gig'em Ags! BTHO Oklahoma State!


Valerie said...

I am glad yall had fun! We sure did love having Kendall! She is so sweet to Gracie, they sure do love eachother!

Christie said...

Ah, I remember it so well! The weekend of my 40th surprise birthday; Randy coming over to talk with us about his feelings for you and then the big DTR! We are so blessed to have been a part of your lives since before "the beginning"!