Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Smart Girl!!

The past few road trips we have taken, Kendall hasn't really slept that much. When she was little she used to sleep almost the whole way, but now she's usually good for just about 30 minutes - even if we drive during her normal nap time. She usually takes a 3 hour nap at home, but in the car she only sleeps about 30 minutes. We can't complain though, because she is such a good girl when she is awake! She never fusses or cries. We just talk or sing or read - we don't have a DVD player in the car and so she doesn't even watch movies! She's content just to sit and talk with us.

Well, on the way to Ft. Worth this past week, we were talking and trying to keep her busy (it's about a 5 hour trip). At one point we were counting something, and I said, "One, two, three..." and all of a sudden we heard Kendall say, "Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten!" We couldn't believe it! We have counted things her whole life - I feel like I'm always either counting or singing the ABC's - but we have never heard her count. In fact, when she is "counting" something, she usually just points to the things and says, "Two, two, two..." Everything is two. When she started counting to ten, we couldn't believe it with each new number that she said! It was so crazy to hear our 21 month old "baby" counting! Who knew she was listening?! :)


Gigi and Peeps said...

What a smart girl! But we already knew that.
I have to say again how much fun it was to have you guys here. It is good visits like that that replenish my heart. It fills me up until the next time we are together. Honestly one of the things I enjoyed so much was all the family getting to see Kendall. I want her to know how many people love her so much.

Also I love the new Christmas background. :)

Lindsey said...

It MUST be the influence of her wonderful preschool teacher ;-) Just kidding!

Granny Harms said...

What a wonderful new background!!! Kendall, you look so big and pretty! Papas says, "Pretty as they get!"