Monday, December 21, 2009

Dane Family Christmas

Sunday we went to church at NRHBC and then went to Randy's Aunt Brenda's house for the Dane family Christmas. Kendall had a lot of fun playing with her cousins Gracie, Henry, Maelie, and Lorelai there.
At one point she went to a back room and came running back out to me saying, "Hee haw Mommy! Hee haw!!!" She was so excited that she had found a "hee haw!" She and Gracie rode on it together some and then she rode some by herself.
She got to open one more present here. It was a numbers puzzle! Then she also tried to help Gracie again. Poor Gracie is going to be getting a lot of help from Kendall this year!

We left Sunday afternoon to drive back to Lake Jackson. Kendall was so worn out from three days of only a 30 minute nap. She got her blankets and put them over her head.
Look at those sleepy eyes! We got in last night around 9:30 and gave her a bath and put her to bed! This morning I finally went in her room at 10:45 to wake her up! She was catching up! We've got a busy week ahead, so she needs all the rest she can get.


Granny Harms said...

Fun with the cousins!! Memories to last forever!!

Emily said...

We enjoyed being with you guys - Kendall is such a sweet girl! It's just too bad ya'll had to leave before we busted out the Pit!

Gigi and Peeps said...

This was such a great weekend. I know you guys were so tired but I'm so glad you made the trip. :)
I love getting to share Kendall with all the family that doesn't get to see her or you guys much. Its kinda like when you have the best toy and you want to show it off. (haha)