Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ho Ho Sighting at Luby's!

Tonight we went to Luby's for dinner. About halfway through our meal, an elderly biker-man that looked remarkably like ZZ Top was leaving. Kendall looked at him and said, "Ho Ho!!" She got so excited that Santa Claus was there at Luby's with us--in March! She just watched him and watched him as he walked across the restaurant to the door. When he got close to us, she was obviously staring at him and Randy and I were laughing, so I told him that she thought he was Santa Claus. He came over to try and talk to her, but she froze and was so quiet. After he left, she started talking about him again and pointed to the ceiling and said, "Ho Ho - Chimney!" About 5 minutes later, she spotted another, much cleaner, old man with a smaller white beard (remember we were at Luby's - lots of old people) and said, "Ho Ho? No." She thought that might be him again, but then decided it wasn't him after all. It was so funny and we told Kendall, "You never know where or when Ho Ho is going to show up!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! We have a neighbor that for the longest time the kids called him "Ho-Ho". In fact, we still call him "Ho-Ho". :)