Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nursery Rhymes

Kendall has been loving reading to herself lately. She says, "By myself" to let us know she doesn't want us to read but she wants to do it on her own.

One of her books is called "I Love You So..." and it says "way way more than you know" a bunch. She likes to say that part over and over when she reads it.

She is really into Humpty Dumpty right now, too. Here is a video of her reading her nursery rhyme book.

We love our little reader!!

That reminds me - lately a lot of things have been "wittle" to Kendall. My name lately has been "Wittle mama!" So funny!


Granny Harms said...

I love the way she says Humpty Dumpty!! So precious! And now she uses sentences instead of just words!! Amazing!
Cute hat, too! It fits her personality and hair color!
I can't wait to see you in a week, Kender!!! I want you to read me a book!!

Christie said...

What a big girl, Kendall! I love hearing you read! Give your "wittle Mama" and daddy a hug from me!

Gigi and Peeps said...

I loved watching your video's even though I was there to hear it in person. We had so much fun with you this weekend. You are getting to be SO BIG, and SO SMART!!

Peeps and Gigi love you SO MUCH!!