Friday, May 14, 2010

Ikea Day!

We took a trip to Ikea today for the first time! We went looking for some new furniture for Kendall's new room. It was quite an adventure! Here she is, all ready to go!
Look at our beautiful hydrangeas on the counter! Those are growing all over our hydrangea plant in the backyard right now.

We ate lunch when we got there. Of course we packed Kendall's lunch, but she enjoyed sitting at the cute little Ikea table with her Ikea bib on!

Halfway through, right before you enter the children's area, there is a slide! Kendall did such a great job sitting in her stroller the whole time, so we took a break to slide a few times.

We found a dresser we love! This is it, but I don't think it's the right color. Kendall's is a little darker - more navy. We also bought two white mirrors to hang on the wall above it, as well as a cute pink lamp and some fun plates, cups, and bowls for Kendall. We are still looking for a bookshelf - we didn't really like anything we saw at Ikea. We're excited to have the dresser, though! Now to put it together....


Matt and Suzanne said...

google: Knockoffwood blog. They have building plans for copycat IKEA, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel furniture. Lots of bookshelves that cost 90% less than if you buy them.

TONacho said...

Nacho! Kendall looks just like you in that first picture! Oh my gosh, I have seen you make that face and I can't get over how funny it is that she is doing the same thing. Glad you guys found a dresser and some accessories. I love IKEA. Can't wait to see her finished room.