Monday, December 19, 2011

Kendall the Angel

Kendall's Christmas program and party at school were last Thursday...the day after our crazy Chick-fil-A adventure! We got home around 6am, the girls got baths and went straight to bed a little before 7. I went in to wake Kendall up at 8:30 so she could get to school and it was so hard to wake her up! She took a good nap that afternoon - and so did I!
She has been so excited about her Christmas program though, and I knew she wouldn't want to miss it. She has been coming home each Tuesday and Thursday telling me all about getting to practice on the stage and has been singing the songs randomly throughout the past few weeks. We couldn't wait to see her!
On the way to school that morning, I was telling her that Cooper, Daddy, and I were going to be coming back to watch her sing in her program. She started telling me that she wanted me to come up on the stage with her. Having flashbacks of walking down the aisle with her last weekend when she was a flower girl, I told her no, that we were going to sit in the audience and watch her and take pictures. I wondered what she would do when she saw us from the stage, though.
She did great! All the classes walked in from the back and she was so cute when she saw us. She is just getting so big!

The 4 year olds played the roles of Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, wise men, and animals, and the 3s and 2s were the angel choir. We were so surprised she let them put her in a costume and that she wore the halo! So precious!
The sleeves on her dress are a little long, and that morning I asked her if I could roll them up. She told me no - that she likes them that way.

Love that smile! The program was really cute...Counting Down to Christmas. Kendall did a great job singing and doing the motions!

This picture just cracks me up! It's so Kendall.
After the program we went back to her class where they had their book exchange and party. Cooper had fun playing with all the toys.
We didn't even ask her to share with Cooper. I just love it when I catch her doing things like this - she is so good with Cooper most of the time and loves to take care of her. :)
She still calls cupcakes "muffins" these days.
Walking out to the car after the program! I was so worried about her being grumpy and not doing well in the program because she was so sleepy, but she did such a great job! And Cooper had a lot of fun, too.
Here are some videos from the program.


The Mitchell Family said...

that picture in your header is TOO MUCH! so, so cute!

Gigi and Peeps said...

OH I love that sweet angel! Godd job Kendall. Wish I could have been there but i love watching it on your blog. Thanks mom for the great post.

love gigi and peeps