Friday, December 23, 2011

Lake Jackson Christmas - Galveston Edition!

Last night we celebrated Lake Jackson family Christmas at Kevin and Jan's new place in Galveston! We are excited...and sad...that Holly and Aaron are moving to Galveston to replant a church that will be a satellite of Brazos Pointe. Aaron will be lead pastor. Kevin and Jan have sold their house too and moved into a new house to be a part of the new church! The Sanders and Johnsons are a lot of what makes Lake Jackson feel like home to us, so we are sad that they won't be around the corner anymore, but thankful they are just 45 minutes away.
Kevin and Jan are living in a very cool loft on the strand in Galveston. Holly and Aaron have bought a house and close on it right after the new year. So for our Christmas with them this year, we all went to their new loft and had dinner, the kids opened presents, and we had the 2nd annual auction!
 Cooper was so sweet opening her present from them. She is going to be so much fun this Christmas! She got a Melissa and Doug 2-block puzzle that when you match the front and back of the animal correctly, it makes the animal's sound.

Kendall was excited, too!
She got a Melissa and Doug magnetic pattern block board! Jan has saved one that was the boys' when they were little, and Kendall has enjoyed playing on it at their house. Now she has her own!

After the kids opened presents, it was time for the auction. This was so fun last year and Kevin and Jan were so generous to do it again! Alden, Scott, Amy, Jeff, Aaron, Holly, and Randy and I each got $100 play money to spend in the auction. There were 8 of us and 16 gifts. We were so excited!
Each gift had a clue, and that was all we had to go on to start the bidding. Some we were able to figure out, but others were harder. It was fun to see what everything was! Randy and I got a Pei-Wei gift card, a Best Buy gift card, and the coveted Taste of Texas gift card (for the second year in a row!). We knew that it was in there somewhere, and I was able to figure out the clue first and bid all the rest of my money. We love Taste of Texas!
And we love the Johnsons for all the fun we had and the awesome gifts!
These four were busy all night..they had a blast exploring the loft! Kendall is going to miss not seeing her buddies almost every day like she's used to!
We had such a fun night and are so thankful for our friends that are like family here in Lake Jackson...and now Galveston! It was a great start to our Christmas festivities!

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