Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sweet Face!

Look at that sweet face!

Kendall wore her new dress to church today and we took these this morning before we left. All of the pictures from this morning are REALLY starting to look like her mom! No really, there are baby pictures of Ashley that look a lot like Kendall does right now, other than the hair color.
What a big girl.
"Dad, it's time to go to church!"
I am usually the picture taker, so here are a few of me and Kendall.
"Christmas rocks!"

P.S. - Oh yeah, Ashley made the hairbow...motherhood is turning her crafty.


Valerie said...

That is a sweet face but it looks a little sassy too!

Anonymous said...

Before I read Dad's comment I thought "Wow, she is beginning to look like Ashley". I have sure enjoyed this blog this first year. It makes it nice when we don't get to see her in person that much. Thanks for the memories.Love, Mamaw

Anonymous said...

You are right, Kendall. Christmas does rock!

And so does your crafty mommy!! YEA Nacho!

Courtney said...

Oh my goodness! She looks so grown up standing beside the table! Let me know if you have free time while you're in town. We may be in Abilene the whole time you're here??

Kendall sure looks pretty in her Christmas dress.