Saturday, January 17, 2009

Don't blink!

Randy and Kendall had a Daddy/Daughter Day today! I helped give Holly her baby shower today, so they spent most of the morning together. Kendall helped Ran go around the house and put baby locks on all the cabinets, which is both a help and a frustration! She is so busy these days and she loves to open all the cabinets, so it will be a huge help, but it is also very frustrating to have to deal with those locks every time we want to get in the cabinets! But I am glad they are on. They also played a whole lot, and right before I left, Randy taped her pushing her walker she got for Christmas. Up until now she will stand up with it, but it has always rolled too fast and she has usually just fallen onto her knees. But now that she is walking so much better, she can actually keep up with it! Here is a video. Don't blink! You'll miss her!


Unknown said...

I love that sweet voice when she's working so hard! Can't get enough of that!! Practice, practice, practice, Kender!! Your Granny loves you!!!

Gigi and Peeps said...

Yea!!! What a big girl. I agree with Granny, I love that sweet talking. You sound so excited and proud of yourself to be walking across the room.

Andrea said...

Once you get used to the cabinet locks and forget that you even have them on yours, you'll go to other peoples houses and open a cabinet and be amazed at how it just flies open. :)

Valerie said...

That's some good walking Girly! I predict that when you come home to meet Gracie you will walk to me and I will give you a present! I love you!