Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Videos

Kendall is doing a bunch of new things lately! One of our favorite things she does is she gets a book and brings it to us to read to her. She hands it to us and then crawls into our laps. It is the best thing ever! She doesn't stay long and is pretty busy, but just the fact that she is loving her books and wanting us to read to her makes us so happy!!! I was taping her today, trying to get video of her walking, but got this instead.

The other thing she is doing is WALKING ALL THE TIME!! We haven't been able to get it on video yet, but she has started walking more than she crawls. She can take a bunch of steps at a time and chooses it over crawling a lot. She also pushes her walker around the house all day long. She can turn it and when she runs into stuff she just repositions the walker and keeps going. We can't believe how big she is getting! One week from today she will be a whole year old! Where has it gone?!

I had to get the next thing on video. Turns out Kendall LOVES Sesame Street. When it comes on and she hears the theme music, she starts singing and dancing and looks at me like, "Look Mom! My favorite show is on!" She also starts singing and dancing when Elmo's World comes on. He has special music and she knows it and recognizes it. The first video is the Sesame Street theme and the second is Elmo's World.


The Mitchell Family said...

i love that she sings along!! too cute! she's getting so big - i hope we get to see you soon.

Unknown said...

Look! She's snapping her fingers on the second one!! How cute is that!! I love that Kender!!!

Stacie said...

Yea!! She'll be reading before she's 3 . . . looks like you've got yourself a little redheaded brainiac!!

Gigi and Peeps said...

These were sooo cute. I love watching your face when Elmo comes on. You look so in awe.

Valerie said...

Hey sweet girl, I love that you love Smesame street! It was my favorite show for a very long time! PS I think you got your Daddy's rhythm.

Courtney said...

These are all SO cute! Get ready to get really tired of Sesame Street and Elmo! I am!