Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Two Small Steps for Kendall..Two Giant Leaps for Mom and Dad!

She finally did it! Kendall took her first two steps by herself tonight!! WOOHOO! We were so excited that she didn't do it while Randy was in Cambodia. She was so sweet to wait until he was home. We were all three in the living room tonight. Randy has been super sick with tonsilitis, so he was resting on the couch and Holly and Aaron had just brought me Arby's for dinner. I grabbed my plate and went to sit on the floor in the den to eat. Kendall was playing in the middle of the floor and when she saw me sit down close to her with food, she stood up and took two steps toward me ALL BY HERSELF!!! Randy and I both got to see it. We think it is super funny that she took her first two steps toward food...that sounds about right for Kendall! She had already had her dinner of yogurt, turkey, cheese, green beans and applesauce, by the way! Anyway, we didn't get it on video, and she hasn't done it again, but the exciting part is we both saw it! YEA!

While we were at Kiki and Pops' house, Kendall discovered the stairs. She wanted to climb them all the time and she is really good at it! Of course Pops, Kiki, or I were right behind her the whole time. I took a few videos of that, so here you go. This can tide you over until we catch her walking by herself on video.


Unknown said...

I love it when she looks back to see if you're still watching! How precious!!

Valerie said...

Look at you go girl! I can't believe you took your first steps and waited for your Daddy to see it! You are so sweet!! I think I can feel a little "benevolence fairy" in the making! You make me proud!!

Gigi and Peeps said...

I am so excited about those two steps! Did you know it is just 3 weeks until your 1st birthday? I can't believe how fast this year has gone.