Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Festival At School

Thursday was our fall festival at school! Kendall got to wear her costume and they had a little carnival set up for the kids. They even got to go trick-or-treating down in the church offices!
We had to get a picture of Kendall in her costume with Jan. She worked so hard helping me make her costume and it turned out great! Thanks, Jan!

The ark room was decorated so cute. Some moms really worked hard!

Waiting in the buggy for all her friends to arrive...
There were so many fun games to play! Kendall got to golf,
go fishing,

pick out a duck,

do the ring toss,
and play Plinko!

And the most amazing part to me was that she actually wore her costume the whole time! After they played games we walked down to the church offices to trick-or-treat.

I was surprised that she actually went into each of the offices, holding her bag, and said "Thank you!" to the ladies! Such a sweet girl.

She wasn't carrying her baby, so I'm sure most of them were probably wondering what in the world she was. Oh well. She looked cute!
I tried to get some pictures of Kendall with her friend Conner. He is close to her age and they are really good buddies. Conner's family was there and I heard them say, "Oh, so that's the woman! We knew he would like red-heads!" Ha!
Conner was a monkey. So cute!
It was such a fun day and Kendall did so well! We'll see how Tailgate Trick-or-Treating goes in College Station Saturday!

1 comment:

Gigi and Peeps said...

Oh what fun. It looks like you had the best day. I wish Gigi and Peeps could be there to give you some treats! Have a wonderful time trick or treating. We love you baby!!!