Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Slide and Sarsa

Mary, Caleb, and Sarah ("Sarsa") came over to play this morning. I told Kendall that Sarah was coming way too early because she kept running up to the front door, looking out the window, and saying, "Sarsa! Sarsa!" Lesson learned. :)

The girls had so much fun playing and Mary and I had a great time catching up. She even let me run to the doctor to get my flu shot while she watched all three of the kids! Such a great friend.
Kendall got a new slide last week! The school was getting rid of it because they couldn't use it anymore, so we got to take it home! She has loved playing on it. I'm thinking once the heat index isn't 105 (not an exaggeration!) and there are not swarms of mosquitoes attacking us we are going to have to move it outside because our guest room is just full!

The girls had come in the kitchen, each with a little cup, asking for chips. After I gave them each one, they walked off, and when I peeked in the guest room to see what they were doing, I saw that they were sitting together on the steps of the slide! So cute...I just had to get some pictures.

Both of them were very sad when Sarsa had to leave, and they walked to the door together holding hands.
I love Sarah's "cheese" face in this picture! Kendall looks a bit like a rag-a-muffin....she did NOT want to keep her bow in this morning!
Last night when we were getting ready for bed, I told Kendall it was time to say our prayers. She grabbed my hand and said, "Daddy." I said, "Ok, let's pray for Daddy." So we prayed for Daddy, who has been on his leadership team retreat all week. Then she said, "Sarsa." So we prayed for Sarah, too. I just love that!


Gigi and Peeps said...

What sweet friends! I'm glad to see new pictures, I was missing your sweet face.

What a fun new slide. That is a great deal. You will enjoy that for a long time.

Gigi and Peeps will miss you on game day. We might not know what to do with ourselves.

Granny Harms said...

Thank you so much, Ashley (and I know Randy,too) for teaching Kendall to pray! I lost it when I read about her wanting to pray for her Daddy and friend! What a blessed family we all are for having such a faithful daughter and son! Kendall already is a sweet, kind, and considerate child because of your faithfulness!