Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kendall Says...

Kendall says the funniest things. We love to hear what comes out of her mouth and every night Randy and I go to bed laughing about something funny she has said that day. I wanted to write a few of them down so I don't forget, and because pretty soon she will be turning three and I want these to be recorded in her two year old book.

Kendall says...
..."peenie honies" for jalapenos. As in "My Daddy gets peenie honies out of his garden and I like to keep two or three little cute ones in a safe drawer in my room."

..."see ya ow mig ee os!" for "adios amigos!" Randy says this all the time, as well as Michael and Noelle, and one day Kendall just spit that out all on her own. She says "Adios amigos" now, but just a few months ago, that was how it came out.

..."Inc the Monster" for Monsters, Inc. This is one of her most-watched movies these days. She has learned the name of the green monster, Mike, but she thinks the name of the big blue monster, Sully, is really "Inc the Monster."

..."Mom, I pretty love you." This melts my heart. I think she is meaning to say "I pretty much love you" because we tell her that all the time. Or, she will say, "Dad, I so love you!"

..."K-E-N-D-A-L-L" She is spelling her name really well, and she is working on Dane. Last time I asked her to spell Dane for me, I got "D-A-E-N!" She can also start Cooper. A lot of times it is "C-O-P-R!"

..."Mom, Conner loved on me at school today." Conner is her friend and they love each other so much. I asked her how Conner loved on her and she said, "Him tickled me."

..."Thank you!" She is so polite and thankful. She says thank you all by herself a lot, and we love that!

..."her" for she. Like, "Her shared her doll with me!"

..."Krinkle krinkle" for Twinkle twinkle, as in "Krinkle, krinkle, little star!" I'm sure if we corrected her she would start saying it right, but we really just think it's too cute. :)

After school last week, we had a conversation about baptism. For chapel that day, Mrs. Wendy had taught them about baptism and shown them the baptistry at their church. Kendall said, "Mom, Mrs. Wendy baptize." I said, "Oh yea? What did you learn about baptism?" She said, "My Daddy baptize. And my mommy baptize." We talked about how she has seen Randy do baptisms, in pools and at the beach. And I told her that I have not baptized anyone, but that I WAS baptized when I was a little girl. She said, "And I be baptized?" I told her that one day when she decides to follow Jesus and become a Christian, she will be baptized so that everyone will know. Then she said, "And everyone will clap and be happy?" I said, "YES! We will be so happy!" And then I tried not to cry. :)

And finally, a story about our resourceful girl: Last week when Randy was out of town, Kendall was in her room playing with her "play-dough that Walerie gave me." I was in our bedroom doing something and I heard her high heels walk into the kitchen, open and close a drawer, and walk back to her room. I didn't really think anything of it, but then she came clip-clopping into my bedroom. She had her ball of play-dough with her and she said, "Mom, will you make it flat? I tried a cup, but it didn't work." I said, "Did you go get a cup out of the kitchen to try and roll it out?" She said, "Yes. My Daddy doos that." I thought that was so smart of her to try and solve her problem by herself! Instead of just yelling out, "Mom! I need help!" She thought of a way to do it herself and then came to me when that didn't work! So resourceful.
I'm sure there are tons more stories but I can't think of any more right now. She is just so precious and we love her a ton!


Granny Harms said...

So smart to document these precious times!! Wish I had done that for you and Alden now!! The conversation about baptism made me tear up, too! But, that's nothing new - I do that every time I read this blog - either from crying or laughing!!!

Pops said...

She is so smart! I love her independence and creativity! Thanks for posting all these precious stories! Love, Pops