Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Presents!

Cooper and Kendall were so excited to get lots of mail this Easter season! Thank you Pops and Kiki, Granny and Papas, and Gigi and Peeps for all the fun cards and presents!

This bunny waves its arms and hops along to the song "Here Comes Peter Cottontail!"

Disney Princess CD - Kendall loves it! It has all the princess songs on it from all the movies. She has listened to it every night before bed and at nap.

Bubbles and a chick that lays bubblegum eggs!

Bunny mask! Kendall didn't want to put it on so I showed her what it looked like. :)

On Easter we didn't do the girls' baskets outside their doors in the morning, because when they woke up Randy was already at church. Instead, the Easter bunny came while we were eating lunch and then they got to go see what was inside their baskets! Kendall got some candy and the movie Tangled! She has been asking and asking for it and was so excited to get it! (Sorry for the naked pictures - I took their dresses off to eat because I didn't want them to get dirty!)

And Cooper got some puffs and a mirror for the car! I think she was excited.

This girl loves Puffs!

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