Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fishing with Daddy and Peeps!

Kendall got to go fishing! Every once in awhile when we drive by the park she says she wants to go fishing, or when she talks about going to Cow Creek (which is a lot!) she asks to go fishing with Daddy. This past weekend Peeps came down to Lake Jackson to join Randy on the Mexico (really, Texas this year) mission trip. He brought Kendall a Barbie fishing pole and he and Randy took her fishing at Shy Pond! She was so excited about it.

Cooper and I walked down to the park to take a few pictures and watch them fish for a little bit. Kendall loved fishing with Daddy and Peeps! She got to help both of them reel in a fish! Love this picture! She had a plastic fish on the end of her pole and she kept casting it out and reeling it in. She was pretty good at casting!
Here is the fish Peeps caught! Kendall helped reel it in but then wasn't too interested in it after that. Peeps threw it back in the water.
Thanks for her Barbie fishing pole, Peeps! Kendall had so much fun fishing with you!

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