Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jumprope Meltdown

One of Kendall's favorite books is her Richard Scary's Best Word Book Ever. On one of the pages in that book there is a little girl jumping rope. Kendall always says, "We don't have a jump rope." And Randy or I say "No we don't but one day we can get one." So, the other day she said that to Randy when he got home from work and he said, "Well, let's go see how much money is in your piggy bank and maybe we can go get one tonight." They counted out about seven and a half dollars and Kendall asked to put it in a baggie. Randy took her to Target and they picked out a jump rope!

Of course it is pink and sparkly. And when they went to check out, she had about a dollar and a half left over. Randy asked her if she wanted to get something else with that money or take it home and save it in her piggy bank. She said she wanted to save it. So proud! When they got home...and she was soooo excited to show me her new jump rope....they went out on the drive way so she could learn how to do it. This is when the melt down happened. Randy showed her how to do it, helped her practice, but then when she couldn't do it by herself, she got very frustrated.
"Here Kendall, come try again. I will help you."
"No Dad! I can't jump my rope because I am a little girl!" (Crying. So pitiful.)
"Kendall. It's ok. It is a hard thing to learn but you can keep practicing and you will learn how."
"I don't want to jump my rope anymore."
"Ok. That is fine. Do you want me to get rid of the jump rope or do you want to put it in your room for another day?"
"I want to save it for another day!"

Such drama. Thankfully, she has pulled the jump rope out again, but she does still insist that because she is a little girl she can't jump it just yet. We'll let you know when she's not a little girl anymore! :)


Gigi and Peeps said...

I am so sorry to hear that you were so sad about jumping rope. But never give up. Every day you will get bigger and bigger and then one day you will jump rope just like magic!

Your momma and daddy couldn't jump rope when they were 3 either.

Lifethrualinds said...

This makes me laugh out loud. So cute and so sweet. Keep at it will get it one day!