Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Henry's Birthday

While we were in Ft. Worth last week we were able to go to Henry's first birthday party! We were so excited to get to celebrate with him, Kasey, and Rob. They had a pancake and pajama party on Saturday morning and it was so much fun.

Kendall wore her new owl pajamas from Gigi and Peeps and her Elmo slippers.
Eating her breakfast with Peeps.

She got to meet cousin Jeremy for the first time!

She watched Henry open presents for awhile...

...but then she decided she needed to go help! She takes after her mom in that way.


Valerie said...

You are very good at opening presents, I think you should get presents more often!

auntkasey said...

Kendall I'm so excited that you waited for dad before you took off! What a good girl! It looks like you and mom had a very busy time in Ft. Worth. We loved getting to see you and were very glad you were there to give Henry a hand with all of those presents! We'll see you soon for your birthday!!

Gigi and Peeps said...

It was so fun getting to show you off to so many people at Henry's party and Gracie's shower. They loved getting to spend time with you and watching you in action.