Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Zoo Day!

Randy came home from work Thursday night and asked us if we wanted to go to the zoo on Friday! Of course we were super excited - Kendall has been talking about wanting to go to the zoo for a few weeks now. Last year we went in April also and it was such a great time to go because it wasn't too hot and on a Friday it isn't too crowded yet because kids are still in school.
So, Friday morning we packed a lunch, loaded the girls up and headed up the road to Houston. That is for sure one thing I miss about living in Ft. Worth - we were so close to the zoo! I think we would totally get a membership and go tons in the summer if it was closer, but since we have to drive an hour to get there, we make it a one time a year deal. That's ok - instead we go to the beach! :)

The first animals we saw when we got there were the sea lions! We saw them again on our way out and Kendall got to watch them do all their tricks. It made us excited to go to Sea World this summer and watch all the shows!

Cooper rode in the stroller before lunch and in the Baby Bjorn after lunch and Kendall rode in the wagon with our ice chest. It worked out great!

We loved getting to see the elephants and there were two babies! This one was so cute. It was eating and then...

...it layed down and started eating laying down! So funny.

Cooper loved seeing the animals and being outside. It was a beautiful day to walk around!

There is a new African section of the zoo where they put all the giraffes, monkeys, etc, and Kendall and Randy took a break to play some drums.

I'm not sure what caught her attention about these, but Kendall has been talking a lot about rhinos lately. So she was pretty excited to get to see them.

After lunch (in an air-conditioned pavillion!) we saw the giraffes. There were so many of them and they are so pretty! There were baby ones, too!

I think she was happy to get out of the stroller and be able to see more. I love that happy, smiling girl! She just smiles all the time!

Kendall and Daddy checking out the flamingos. This was about the time that Kendall started telling us she was ready to go home. :)

And, before we could get to the car, Cooper was out! She had so much fun and then just gave up. She was asleep pretty good, too, because I took her out of this and put her in her car seat and she never woke up! She slept almost the whole way home!

We had so much fun taking the girls to see the animals!! Thanks for a fun surprise, Dad!!

1 comment:

Gigi and Peeps said...

What a fun day! I love going to see the animals too. Maybe we can go together sometime. Me and Peeps would like that a lot.