Monday, September 7, 2009

Chick Fil A Day!

Today if you went to Chick Fil A with any kind of team shirt on, they gave you a free Chicken Sandwhich! So for lunch we all put on our A&M attire and ventured to Chick Fil A. Even Kendall wore her Aggie gear!

Holly had this shirt made for her for football season and it is so cute! She just looked way too big in her t-shirt and new tennis shoes.

I don't know what she was saying here, but she looks really sassy!

I love the beads and the flower bow! So stylin!

Gig 'em Aggies! Gig 'em Chick Fil A! Whoop!

1 comment:

Granny Harms said...

Kendall you are gettin' so big!! And cuter every day!!! Your expressions make me laugh because you are so funny!! Personality is definitely all over your photos!! Your Granny loves you sooooooo much!!!