Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ryder Dane

This is our cousins Jeremy and Beth Anne's little baby Ryder. He was born September 2, about 11 weeks before his due date. He has been in the hospital since then, working hard on gaining weight. This morning he is having brain surgery to relieve some swelling in his brain and to allow some fluid that has built up there to drain. Beth Anne and Jeremy just found out about this last night, and we can only imagine what they are going through as they take their baby boy to major surgery today. Please pray for them and for Ryder. You can check out his blog here and get all the other details I have missed.

Jeremy, Beth Anne, and Ryder, we love you guys and are praying for you this morning! We know you are leaving this in God's capable hands and pray that He will be glorified in this!


Jenny Hintze said...

Awwwe, little peanut. He's precious. Praying that God will keep him safe this day and get him fattened up and home very soon.

Granny Harms said...

Any update news?

Gigi and Peeps said...

Surgery went well yesterday. He is having to work on learning to breathe on his own a bit after having the breathing tube.

Everyone's prayers are so appreciated