Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sick Girl :(

Kendall was sick for the first time in her whole life this week! Monday morning she woke up at 4:30 with a 102 degree fever. Even with Tylenol, her fever stayed around 102-103 all day Monday. I called the doctor and made an appointment for Tuesday morning and called school and told them we wouldn't be there Tuesday. She never really had any other symptoms, other than a runny nose, but so many of our friends have been sick with the flu that we didn't want to take any chances.
She was very cuddly Monday and just wanted to be held most of the day, so we did a lot of sitting, reading books, doing puzzles, and watching t.v. That was the upside to her being sick, for Randy and me! It's not often that she just wants to sit and be held! We also let her have her sass all day Monday and I'm sure that made her feel better. :)

Monday night we put her to bed, still running fever, but around 10:30 she woke up crying and we went in and she was sweating like crazy. We took her temperature and it was down to 99.9! She woke again at midnight, and we gave her more Tylenol, but her temperature was still down. She slept without waking up again until 7:45 and when she woke up, she was back to her normal self and had no temperature! We still went to the doctor Tuesday morning just to make sure she was done with it, and the PA said they have been seeing lots of kids with the flu, but that it has been a very fast virus that doesn't hang around long. She thinks Kendall had the flu virus, but that it just wasn't bad and just didn't last long. She was fine the rest of the day Tuesday and Wednesday and we went back to school today!
This was the first time Kendall has been to the doctor for something other than her well-baby check-ups since she was born, other than for a bad diaper rash once! We are so thankful for a baby that never gets sick, and that when she finally did get sick, it was no big deal!


Valerie said...

Oh, sweet Kendall I am sorry you felt bad! I am glad you got some good cuddles though, if only your mom and dad would slow down and cuddle you more often!

Granny Harms said...

You look so pitiful, Kender! I'm so glad it was short-lived and you got better! I'm sure Mommy and Daddy are glad to get the first sickness over so maybe the next time won't be so hard. Babies DO get better! Now maybe that you know how nice cuddling is, you will stop to get more! Granny loves you!!

Courtney said...

I'm so glad that she is feeling better.