Friday, June 4, 2010

Funny Kendall

Since Kendall has been sleeping in her new bed, I've been laying next to her before naptime and bedtime to read to her. I love it so much. We read one book, say prayers, and then sing a song. Today we were singing and I was about to get up to leave and she looked straight up, to the ceiling, and said, "Hey! Where's my music?!" In her crib she had a mobile and right after we would sing to her in her bed and before we would leave, she would ask us to turn on her music, so we would turn that on to play before we walked out. It made us laugh so much that she just realized today - almost a week into sleeping in her daybed - that she doesn't have her music mobile. Funny girl! I told her that she just had music in her crib and she said, "Oh. In Baby Cooper's room? And I'm in my big girl room?" She is already doing such a good job of sharing with Baby Cooper!

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